Details about calling features, tips against fraudulent calls and more.
Business Phone
As a Business customer, how do I add an additional line to my phone service?
What is line hunting?
As a Business customer, what if one of my phone devices malfunctions?
Phone service
How do I change my Cogeco phone number?
How do I add a second line to my Home Phone service?
If I switch to Cogeco, can I keep my same home phone number?
How do I remove my name and phone number from the directory?
Will my Cogeco phone service work if my power goes out?
Why do I sometimes lose sound during a call?
Calling features (*)
How do I use 3-Way Calling?
Can I configure my Call Forwarding remotely?
How do I configure the “Do Not Disturb” feature? (*78)
How do I configure my Call Forwarding service (*72)?
How do I configure my Call Waiting service? (*70)
How can I set up my phone so that I can only be reached by known numbers and block all other calls? (*64)
Long distance calls
How do I dial out for local, long distance, and international calls?
Can I see a log of my long distance and international calls?
How do I set up Cogeco Voice Mail?
What do I do if I forget my voicemail password or if I want to change the password?
How do I access my Voice Mail remotely?
Can I recover a voicemail message if I deleted it by mistake?
9-1-1 and other helplines
Does Cogeco Phone support the emergency service (9-1-1)?
Does Cogeco Phone support the National Mental Health Crisis and Suicide Prevention Hotline (9-8-8)?
Can I move my phone equipment to another address?
Fraudulent calls and call blocking
What is universal call blocking?
What can I do if someone is using my phone number to make fraudulent calls (spoofing)?
Is it possible to block all outgoing calls to 1-900 and 1-976 numbers?
Can I block a specific caller even if I don’t know their phone number? (*97)
How do I block anonymous calls? (*77)
How do I block calls from certain numbers (*60)?