What do I do if my TV service is cutting in and out?

Article author
Cogeco Support
  • Updated

If your TV service is cutting in and out, there are a few things you can try before calling us:

  • Make sure the connection from the coaxial cable to the receiver is finger-tight at both ends.
  • If other equipment is connected on the coaxial cable line between the wall and the receiver, try connecting the cable directly from the wall to the receiver.
  • Make sure the cable that runs from your receiver is connected directly to your TV. Having other equipment connected between the receiver and the TV may be the source of the issue.
  • If you’re using an HDMI cable, unplug the cable at both ends and connect it back again.
  • Ensure there is no outage in your area by checking the Cogeco Reported Outages page (see Residential or Business outages).

If you aren’t able to resolve the issue on your own, please contact Technical Support.

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