How do I update my contact information with Cogeco if my phone number or email address has changed?

Article author
Cogeco Support
  • Updated

Updating your contact information with us is easy.

  • To change your phone number, contact us to speak with a local rep.
  • To change your email address, update your profile in My Account on the app or in a browser. Here’s how:

Updating your contact email address on the app

  1. Open the My Account app and log in (download the app from Google Play or the App Store, or scan the QR code below).
  2. Select the Settings tab.
  3. Select Personal information.
  4. Select Edit next to Email address.
  5. Enter your new email address in the Email address field.
  6. Select Update email.

Updating your contact email address in a browser

  1. Log in to My Account.
  2. Select Account settings from the side menu.
  3. Enter your new email address in the Email address field.
  4. Select Save at the bottom of the page.

If you don’t have a My Account profile yet, register here.

Good to know: Modifying your contact email address will not change where your eBills are sent. To change your address for eBilling, refer to our article on changing your eBilling address.

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