How do I use my digital video recorder?

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Cogeco support
  • Updated

The digital video recorder (DVR) not only lets you schedule recordings for your favourite programs, it’s always recording so you can pause and rewind even if you’re watching live TV. You can even record two shows at once.

Good to know: The shows you record are private and confidential. Nobody can access them outside of your home. During a service call, a technician might access your DVR content with your permission if it’s required for troubleshooting.

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Recording live TV

To record the program you’re currently watching, simply press the REC button on your remote.

Scheduling a recording

You can schedule a future recording by selecting a program from the guide or setting a manual recording.

  • Selecting a program from the guide - If you see a program you want to record in the guide, highlight it and press the REC button on your remote, or press the INFO button and select the record icon for more options, such as recording all episodes of a series.
    • Good to know: If the scheduled program is rescheduled, the recording might be cancelled automatically if it’s no longer available.
  • Setting a manual recording - You can also set up a manual recording to record a specific channel and time regardless of what’s playing. To do so, follow these steps:
    1. Select DVR from the main menu.
    2. Select Set a Recording.
    3. Select the date and time, then select Continue to confirm your settings.
    4. Select the channel to record from the list of channels.
    5. Select Record to save the recording.
    6. On the confirmation page, you can also select View recording settings for additional settings, such as how long to save the recording.

Viewing your recordings

To access and view your recordings, select DVR > My Recordings from the main menu or press the LIST button on your remote.

Organizing your recordings

Select Setup > DVR Setup from the main menu and select from the following options:

  • Enable DVR Folders to group recordings together when they’re part of the same series.
  • Enable Live Program Notice to receive a prompt to extend your recording time when setting a recording for a live program.
  • Enable DVR Clipping to automatically clip up to 5 minutes from the start of a show to avoid recording conflicts.

Checking your DVR space

Your current DVR space is always noted at the top of the My Recordings page (e.g., "50% Full"). DVR space varies by model but our latest models have a capacity of 500 GB, which can hold 90 hours of programming in high definition (HD) or 360 hours of programming in standard definition (SD).

  • When your hard drive is 80% full, you’ll get a warning message.
  • If your hard drive is full and a new recording starts, the oldest recording set to “Save Until Space Is Needed” will be deleted automatically.
  • If all recordings are set to “Save Until I Delete”, your new recording will be cancelled. To avoid this, we recommend periodically checking your hard drive and upcoming recordings to manage your space.

Managing scheduling conflicts and recording priorities

If there are multiple recordings scheduled at the same time, your DVR will choose which one to record based on the Series Priority List. The first series you set to record has the highest priority and then each one you add will be lower on the list.

You can easily change your Series Priority List so that the series of your choice is recorded when there’s a conflict. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Select DVR from the Main Menu.
  2. Select Series Recordings.
  3. Highlight a program and use the Page + and Page - buttons on your remote to move it in the list.

Viewing deleted or cancelled recordings

The DVR History feature lists recordings that have been deleted and scheduled recordings that were cancelled before their broadcast dates. To schedule another recording for a deleted or cancelled program, select it from the DVR History and choose from the list of upcoming broadcasts.

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