What is ID Monitoring and how do I use it in Cogeco Security?

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Cogeco Support
  • Updated

ID Monitoring protects you from identity theft by notifying you if any of your personal information appears in a data breach on the Internet, including the deep web and dark web.

Good to know:

Setting up ID Monitoring

The first time you use ID Monitoring, you’ll need to enter an email address to monitor. After that, you can add more ID types, such as credit cards and phone numbers.

  1. Open Cogeco Security and select ID Monitoring from the main page.
    CS ID Monitoring EN.PNG

  2. Select Add Monitored item.
  3. Enter the email address you want to monitor and select Add. This will send a confirmation email to the address you entered.
  4. Check your inbox for an email from Cogeco Security and select Confirm email address to verify that you’re the owner.

When you return to the ID Monitoring page, you’ll see a list of any data breaches that include your email address. Select an entry to view more details, such as the password that was associated with your email in the breach.

Adding more items to monitor

  1. Open Cogeco Security and select ID Monitoring from the main page.
  2. Select Your data.
  3. Select Add item.
  4. You can now choose from additional types of ID:
    • Credit card
    • Phone
    • Social security
    • Driver’s license
    • Bank account
    • Username
    • Passport

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