How do I set up and manage a captive portal with the Managed Wi-Fi portal?

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Cogeco Support
  • Updated

With the Managed Wi-Fi portal, you can set up a captive portal for any guest network so that users will be directed to your portal before getting access to the Internet.

This article covers how to set up a portal, modify the design and assign it to a network.

Setting up a portal

  1. Open the Wi-Fi Portal and log in with your My Account username and password.
  2. Select the Wi-Fi Portals tab from the left menu.

  3. Select the portal you want to use, or make a copy of an existing one by selecting the 3 dots under it and selecting Edit or Clone.
    • Good to know: If you haven’t set up a portal yet, there will be a default one available.
  4. Select the Settings or Policies tab at the top right to configure your portal.

    • Under Settings, you can give the portal a name, choose a Redirect link to send the user to after logging in and set the portal’s available languages.
    • Under Policies, you can choose to connect users automatically and set a time limit.
  5. Select Publish to save your changes.

Editing a portal

To edit a portal, open the Wi-Fi portals tab and select the one you want to edit. This will open the Design view.

  • To add a new element, select the Add tab on the right and drag the element onto your preview page to the left.
  • To edit an element, select it from the preview and then modify it using the options on the right.
  • To change the version of the page in the preview, select the Mobile, Tablet or Computer icons at the top of the editor.

  • If you’ve set your portal to be available in multiple languages, use the dropdown at the top of the preview page to change languages and add the translations.

Assigning a portal

Once your portal is ready to use, you can assign it to any guest portal.

  1. Select the Sites tab.
  2. Select View next to the site you want to use it on.
  3. Select the Edit SSID button next to the network you want to use it on.

  4. Select the portal you want to use from the Wi-Fi Portal dropdown.
    • Note: You’ll only see this dropdown when the Security Zone is set to Guest and the Encryption type is set to NONE.
  5. Select Submit.

Good to know: If you have more than one guest network, you can use the same portal or create separate ones.

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